Thursday, November 10, 2011


Day 10 update.

I'm stuck. I outlined in October and now I can't look at it without getting nervous. that's not a good thing. See, Clemens, your side isn't always better. In the course of today, I've gone from two ideas to do four, the latest involving a merry band of woodland ninjas facing a sock shortage who decide to become pirates. Whoo.

Eight hundred words until I hit 30k. Then I sleep.


  1. I just spent three days on something off-outline, scrapped a whole subplot, and am moving a key scene until later in the book when it will have more punch (literally: it's a bar fight.) My outline is in a hash this year, though I hope to salvage it soon when I hop from one plot to another.

    I think it's something in the water.

    Verify word: chancem

    When your outline isn't working, you gotta gather up your characters and chancem.

  2. I'm just about to get started on mine, and then y'all better be scared.
