Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holy hell what a day.

Okay, it's been a little over a day. And it involved 12,310 words. But I FINISHED! I matched my time from way back in 2007. 17 days. Yay. Finishing like this means I get to check out this consignment shop I've been eyeing...

Wow. What a feeling.

Okay, going to watch my rhino play with his new wings. And to get a real rhino for pictures today!


  1. I'm torn between wanting to congratulate you and wanting to beat you with a typewriter... I'll go with congratulations.

  2. Feel free to beat me with a typewriter, as long as I get to keep said typewriter when you're done. That's the thing--I did this on a fully Mafia card. All the words were on the computer. (Okay, about 500 or 1000 were handwritten with a Lamy Safari or other pens.) I didn't do this as a brigadier, which is what makes your victory all the sweeter once you get it.
