Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rainy Day II

It's raining again, and hard.

I wonder if this is what it is like in the rainforest, only warmer--right now, it feels more like February than May.

The tree I ran into earlier is back to dripping water--took only a few minutes to recoup the water it dumped onto my head when I ran into it.

I look out the window and see water pooling at the edge of the plastic covering the potted plants on the back porch--they're still fragile from being potted and it's going to get cold tonight.

There's tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner, and I'm excited. Perfect food for a perfectly rainy day.


  1. Tomato soup and grilled cheese for cold dreary days--just never gets old, does it? Excellent choice.

    Here, on the other hand, we're having a heat wave. Hit 70 today--whoa! And I'm craving cantaloupe and lemonade.

  2. It was perfect, LFP.

    To be honest, I'm jealous of your weather. 70 is where we should be right now, not 42. I miss spring. I like spring.

    That said, there is a line that should be added in there somewhere, but I wasn't sure how it would fit, so I'll just comment it instead.

    "My soggy cat is yowling at the back door, begging rescue from the downpour."
